Wednesday 12 May 2010


Well, finally UK has its new PM. I should have a chance to vote but second thought why should I an 'outsider' dilute the political wave in UK.

It was really mind opening for me to witness this election process. 10 years ago we left Sheffield when the election campaigning was about to start. Now we are witnessing a history making day.

If you have chance to talk to the local (mostly my church members), you have some interesting insights from the. Thatcher era resulted labour party holding the parliament for so long, now UK started to embrace Conservative party again.

It was interesting to see the live debate 3 party leaders on telly for the past few weeks, as well a vacuum period (quite short really) for the Hung-parliment - where no party won the majority seats. Till now it became a co-governing parties in UK (Some called it CONDEM party - take CON and DEM separately, you will be amazed with the creativity of language - you just have to take in Brit's cynicism)

I am concerned more with the education policy and the funding with HE, another less concern but could indirectly affect us is the immigration cap they are going to impose. Will this affect our future as a foreigner?? We trust God and He has His higher way.

Who is the NEW GUY for UK? You saw him on the poster which is just outside my house :-)

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