Friday 27 November 2009

Anyone cares for English Tea :-)

I am a tea person, and that has influenced Adam to be one too. He will demand an earl grey for his tea now :-)
I guess that is a plus point here where England is basically a tea culture though the 'coffee' has crept into their lives.
I like tea mainly because we can get good and creamy milk here - and also the sweet and sweet cakes here - this is heaven for me !!! Especially after a heavy reading tasks for my study - I need tea to 'calm' me down.

A funny fact from my mum who advise me not to take too much tea because to a chinese belief it is a 'cold' drink which will affect your -- uhh sperm count !!

But with the cakes and biscuits - I can't resist hey ;-)

Erin is joining me today for tea time, just the cake haha


Sigrun said...

Sperm count hardly an issue at your age so drink away!! You must describe your little biscuit- something creamy?
I'm just starting to bake my Christmas biscuits, but must learn to refrain! Am 5kgs down with way more to go.

Unknown said...

earl grey and russian caravan are my favourites