Wednesday 22 July 2009

OK OK They can be lame excuses

Well, call it excuses BUT I have my case ☺

Going back to the university student life, one cannot go without some equipments – Yes, I meant a decent notebook.

It is so VITAL to have one as you need to:
1. Go online searching information
2. Word processing for your thesis and assignment write up
3. Presentation

Of course you get the additional goodies in the package where you can use it for DVD movie, photos, mp3 player etc

So, is that too much that I have a MacBook ☺

So, the iPhone story basically mainly I have been very very patient and not being an impulsive buyers when the 1st generation of iPhone was launched. Holding my urge to have one for about 3 years and not to compromise with the illegal purchases in some other countries like Singapore. I have been eyeing the opportunity to buy an unlocked version in HK during my possible visit to the country. Unfortunately chances have not come to my way and then Malaysia finally has its own Maxis-iPhone.

A low usage people like me it is not worth for me to sign up any subscription package so again, I resist the temptation again when iPhone is literally everywhere you see in KL.

When I got the news I will be going back to UK for some years, I search the telco in UK that link with iPhone and it is O2. To my excitement, they have the pay-and-go version or another word, the prepaid version where you need not to commit in any yearly subscription plan.

Hooray and finally I told Ann this is the time I will buy one in UK..

At the end, Maxis has the same offer and the price is not much different. After confirming that it is an unlock version, then it is wise to buy one in Malaysia so that I can use both UK and local sim card rather than restrict myself with O2 from UK.

So … what is the justification to have iPhone…

Frankly speaking, sorry I don’t have one, it is just being one of the apple clan – just like all the opening phase of every Apple ad - Hi I am a Mac ☺

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Motivation 2

Let’s move to something more serious and ‘spiritual’ ☺

Reason 4: This is NOT a cheap blessing from God.

Ever since God has blessed me to have a chance to study my master degree in UK, I have continuously received His blessing with regard to my further study. I believe God must have something in His plan that I eventually still fall into this ‘study’ path.

Before Bristol, I got the scholarship from Sheffield University to do a remote study scheme, but it does not work out due to my work and lack of discipline myself. But again I was ‘directed’ to this Bristol Business School and spotted the advert and then I applied for it. I can’t say it is easy to grab it because I need to write in the proposal for them to consider and shortlist. Then a panel interview for simple version of oral defence of what I proposed. I am glad out of so many applicants from UK, Europe and other countries I got the deal – what can I say, this is truly God’s blessing.

I wasted one with Sheffield University, Ann and I both agree we should not take it so ‘cheaply’ this time. We trust God has His plan ahead.

Reason 5: Restored

I am really ‘intrigued’ by David’s entry on ‘Restored’. I want to trust and believe that this is a restoration path for the family in our walk with God.

After much struggle to leave previous church for the betterment of spiritual growth and needs, I found the current one still lack something.

As the head of the family, I am positive that I want both ‘Word’ and ‘Community’ elements in our walk with God but this time we lack community life. The children may enjoy their Sunday school but the parents lack ‘fellowship, accountability and life-togetherness’ in their spiritual life.

We earnestly pray that this move will give us another chance to ‘restore’ our walk with Jesus and we pray that there will be a right church to be part of, a purpose to serve Him for.

Reason 6: Open up the horizon

Yes, I’d like my children have a chance to open their eyes and mind for a new horizon in their lives. Living under mere allowances will force all of us to live very simple lives in UK. It could be no TV, no entertainment, no fancy toys, no more KFC and McD etc

But I am sure they will see different culture, people relationship, art, books, play, music, history, architecture, and many values that they should learn.

There are so many factors and reason, I guess these are the major driving forces – don’t shoot me ☺
P/s: There are still 2 more reasons which I dare not to disclose so openly here

Motivation 1

Ee Lyn asked me what were the motivation factors that kept me wanting to study my PhD.

Frankly speaking, it took me quite a while to figure out the answer and I shall answer her question in a bit organised manner.

Let’s start with those involve the ‘flesh’ – which I am being ‘truthful’ to you

Reason 1: Finish my Europe Tour

I sort of regretted I have not finished my Europe tour during my last stay in UK. I still have a few countries to complete what I want to visit. I guess this time I will have ample time to do so. I am keen to do back-packing again – I recall the experience of sleeping at the airport just to catch the earliest flight etc.

Ann already reminded me that we are no longer that ‘youthful’ anymore ☺

Reason 2: Sweet Sweet Sweet

I can’t help smiling inside that I am back to all the sweet stuff in UK – the creamy ice- cream and various types of chocolate and cakes. Sara Lee brand is so much cheaper there ☺ Not to forget the ‘Walkers’ chips that everyone’s favourite in the family.

Also I love the chocolate digestive biscuits there – it is such a perfect match with the Twining Tea, plus the skimmed milk. I also like the Hovis Bread for toasts – crispy and heaven.

You will see a ‘fatty plump’ WK soon – No way, I will maintain what my shape now :-P

Reason 3: Weather

It will no longer sweaty day all the time and you can walk about in a cool and nice weather. In such good weather, I will enjoy time lazy-ing in a park, reading books and walk about in the street. It will be chances to see the changes of seasons reminding you the changes in life.

One sad part that the weather soon become my first conversation topic – and knowing whether it rains is the crucial things to start my day – oh the long and still long drizzling weather you typically get in UK.

Thursday 9 July 2009

Thank God for Air Asia

You will be wondering why here we are thanking God for AirAsia but MAS Airline pictures displayed here instead :-)

Yes, indeed the competition is good for the consumers when it is a 'free' market. Now MAS has many deals to offer so to compete with its rival - the budget airline AirAsia.

AirAsia even fly to London lately, so with their cheap ticket lately priced at RM530, MAS has it counter offer at RM541 all inclusive - YES ALL INCLUSIVE.

So it benefits the Apple family who thought they are going to spend about RM6K just for air ticket - Thank God for that and it is really a blessing for us.

I will be touching down London on 12 Sept and the other 4 apples will be meeting the Mr Apple on 11 Oct.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Welcome to UK

Yes, all of us finally got the VISA to UK :-)

BUT, my valid date is from 01 Oct which is on the dot of my course date. Obviously this is a bit absurd, so I resubmit it to amend the date to 01 Sept. We believe this is a mistake from the VISA office. How could they only allow a student enter to Uk on the dot of the course date. How about the Orientation week which I always enjoy to attend??

Anyway, their efficiency to get it processed so quick really amazed Ann & I :-)

Wednesday 1 July 2009


Ok, finally the day has come.

I can rest from now at least - imagine all the stress and worries can go away for some time from now.

Today, we (Adam, Eden, Ann & I) went to the VFS - Bristish High Commission office for our visa application. We only were allowed to submit today because the 3 months ruling applied for student applicants. My course starts on 1st Oct.

Why such a stress to apply - let me share my 'stress' with you
1. You need to get 40 points to be eligible for application.

2. 30 points from your VISA Letter issuing from the university - this is no issue as UWE had been very helpful and promptly supplied what I need.

3. 10 points for financial evidence - I was told I was lucky as there is now straight forward amount to show to the office, unlike previously they left it discretionary and they normally use this to reject the applicants. However, because I am bring the whole family with me, so I need about RM1XX,XXX.00 to prove that I can maintain the family for a year - yes for a year- I understand previously they wanted proof for the whole duration of your study, so if that is the case, I can say bye bye to my family because that will need about half million. And that means I am a nearly a millionaire - will i still need to study in UK at my age if that is the case !!

But there is still stress for us to get the $$$, luckily with our all-wise treasurer HA Hong we can squeeze to the last drop of blood to get that figure. I almost went to sell my sperm and blood that time - just kidding :-P

4. Changing rules - it was so annoying that the British High Comm keep changing application rules - until you do not know what exactly they want. For example, the finance part has driven us crazy, at one hand they said we need to maintain the amount for at least 28days, but near July they cancel such rule.

We had bad experience with it on the dot of our application process. We went to the office early at 9am, and I am the second person submitting the application. And then the officer told me the UK has just passed down a new rule effective on 1 July that they need all BM documents be translated into English and I have children's birth certs and marriage cert to do so. We argued how come there was no grace period given for people applying on 1st July. At the end, we still have to follow the rule and spent about 3 hours to get an interpreter to get the documents done and resubmitted them in the afternoon.

So, all the documents are now sent in and they took our finger prints and photo - nearly like making a criminal record :-P
We just have to wait for the notice to collect our passport and documents back in 5 working day the earliest and 15 days the latest.

I think we are lucky to deal with UK, I am sure Oz office will be even stricter and worse experience considering their well-known strict custom control and etc

Am I right? Berrys?? :-P