Just a few thoughts of myself here in Bristol land stepping close to 40s:
1. I am definitely more a critical thinker as I research on this area.
2. On that note, dear says I am definitely not a critical thinker when comes to Apple new products and good sales!! OK she has validated one of my research questions.
3. I am also sort a writer now, writing story for my paper.
4. I wake up and sleep early to have a healthy lifestyle.
5. My daily activities:
5.45am - Breakfast
6.25 - 7.25am - Gym (except Sunday)
9am - 3pm - Campus
3pm -3.30 Pick up Erin and Eden
4pm - 5.30pm Cook Dinner
6pm - Dinner
7.30pm - Family bible study and Prayer time
8pm - Kids to bed
8.30-10 Dating time with dear.
10pm - Good night
6. I started to enjoy cooking, I cook dinner 3 days a week. Now toying to do baking :-)
7. I eat veg more, meat less - try to be lean. I will faint if I carry 'tyres' around.
8. I read a lot for my paper, but also some leisure readinge in the bus and before bed time.
9. I follow some of the latest TV programmes here: Glee, Vampire's diary, Ugly Betty and Desperate Housewife :-)
10. But most of the time I watch cooking programme especially Jamie Oliver's and River Cottage. I dislike Gordon Ramsay's.
Blimey, Dear says I have more wrinkles at my eyes tails. Oh, darn !! What's the point I put so much day and night cream to take care of myself. I think I shall switch to Loreal Man, because I am worth it !! Haha
(Ranting here may be mid life crisis happens early to me)
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