Let’s move to something more serious and ‘spiritual’ ☺
Reason 4: This is NOT a cheap blessing from God.
Ever since God has blessed me to have a chance to study my master degree in UK, I have continuously received His blessing with regard to my further study. I believe God must have something in His plan that I eventually still fall into this ‘study’ path.
Before Bristol, I got the scholarship from Sheffield University to do a remote study scheme, but it does not work out due to my work and lack of discipline myself. But again I was ‘directed’ to this Bristol Business School and spotted the advert and then I applied for it. I can’t say it is easy to grab it because I need to write in the proposal for them to consider and shortlist. Then a panel interview for simple version of oral defence of what I proposed. I am glad out of so many applicants from UK, Europe and other countries I got the deal – what can I say, this is truly God’s blessing.
I wasted one with Sheffield University, Ann and I both agree we should not take it so ‘cheaply’ this time. We trust God has His plan ahead.
Reason 5: Restored
I am really ‘intrigued’ by David’s entry on ‘Restored’. I want to trust and believe that this is a restoration path for the family in our walk with God.
After much struggle to leave previous church for the betterment of spiritual growth and needs, I found the current one still lack something.
As the head of the family, I am positive that I want both ‘Word’ and ‘Community’ elements in our walk with God but this time we lack community life. The children may enjoy their Sunday school but the parents lack ‘fellowship, accountability and life-togetherness’ in their spiritual life.
We earnestly pray that this move will give us another chance to ‘restore’ our walk with Jesus and we pray that there will be a right church to be part of, a purpose to serve Him for.
Reason 6: Open up the horizon
Yes, I’d like my children have a chance to open their eyes and mind for a new horizon in their lives. Living under mere allowances will force all of us to live very simple lives in UK. It could be no TV, no entertainment, no fancy toys, no more KFC and McD etc
But I am sure they will see different culture, people relationship, art, books, play, music, history, architecture, and many values that they should learn.
There are so many factors and reason, I guess these are the major driving forces – don’t shoot me ☺
P/s: There are still 2 more reasons which I dare not to disclose so openly here
Yes, you got it right!!
The Macbook and iPhone :-)
I truly think God does delight in our little 'projects'/'visits in the maze'/adventures for life on earth surely is a gift from Him.
I am encouraged that this project of yours so heavily relies on God for the financing part. I think it will be liberating for WK personality type. I love the fact that you will be able to show your children some intriguing angles to life- out of the nine dots experiences. Things like this can get them to realise their potential- what more can we pray for?
Rerooting is good for we continuously must learn to root ourselves within Him. It is hard and challenging and full of blessing in our experience.
Our prayers will always accompany you.
At this time we yearn to find another little project/passion/motivational force for us, so it is absolutely delightful to see your path.
Do not fear. He will not abandon you. Our Lord will protect you and shelter you under His wing.
We love you.
Looking at your 'blessing' image is surreal, for I just used this image last week in a letter to my newest godchild, Heidi. The blessing verse is the one on my blogsite.
I love God's blessings x
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