Monday 13 September 2010

One Year !! Mate!

After a year in Bristol and UK, I learnt that:

I can drink the tap water directly but the water filtering system is getting its popularity here like in KL. So drink boiled water instead.

There are so many people from Asia countries and the mainland Chinese is generally rich here. Everyone with a LV bag!!

You need to make a booking even you are sick!! (Go to hospital only if you are near-death situation!!)

Everything free for the children - school, free meal, dental care, health etc.

The library is amazing for both adults and kids.

Every PostCode there is a big park.

There are many XXL size people yet they like to wear tight shirt and show their tyres!!

You need to raise your hand to stop the bus and say Thank you when you get off - Adam says : Cheers mate !!

A return bus ticket can be more expensive than unlimited travel day ticket - they call is First Day or Day Saver.

They say only the poor drives, but I see so many BMW, Volvo and Audi on the road.

The public sector works as slow as KL public sectors.

Shops close at 5pm unless you are at London high streets.

Sales is heaven to me, you get 70% off for branded stuff.

Everything can be compared even your utility providers - switch it if you think they are expensive.

BT is day-light robber - you get their line first before you can change to others.

Overseas call rate is cheaper than local rate.

You can have package like unlimited evening and weekend calls when call at those time are free - so call late then !! They even remind you to hand up after the call to get free call again.

You need to turn off the heater when you sleep unless you won't mind the bill.

ladies still bare their back and wear super short hot pants during winter - I take my hat off to then when I am still in many layers.

Internet is everyday needs - shopping, booking, paying even your food!!

The veg an be more expensive than the meat!!

You can withdraw money at the till in the supermarket - they will ask: Would you like to have some cash back??

You need ID to buy wine, so take it a complement when ask for one even though you know you are near 40 :-)

Strikes are favourite affairs in UK especially the train, BA and tube lines. Oh yes, the Royal Mail as well.

The Chinese herbs are so expensive and you start to appreciate what you ave in KL.

The Pakistanis generally take over the grocery shops and taxi business.

You can claim pet allowance if you have a dog and jobless!!

You can claim seeking job allowances if you are jobless!! Why work??

No noon nap for shops but the staff will take turn to do their food shopping!!!

I start to feel the pinch with high income tax and VAT - when see others can claim some benefits and not work!!

Chinese take away are not for Chinese. Wonder why British likes the salty and 'non spicy enough' food there?

You find more elders in Church in UK.

Why toilet rolls are so expensive?? What for ???

England and Scotland are so different even they way they speak !!

People can kill you for their pets' sake here !!!

I think I will learn more for the years to come :-)

1 comment:

Sigrun said...

Cool bananas. I love observations such as these... reminds me of KL experiences. So much fun to look at stuff from different angles.