Tuesday 30 June 2009

Malaysian Bristol Group

Yes, there is this Malaysian community formed in Bristol and they have started a yahoo group. I was given the webpage to browse and join.

So after getting the information, I manage to take a look at the group page - their forum and emails around.

Not to my surprise, 99% are Malay and 90% of them are under Government sponsorship. Yes, many of them brought their family too.

My intention is to see whether I could get some support from the group and ask some silly questions so that the experienced one will come to my help and direct me the right path to walk.

To my shocking, as I browsed through their forum, I see some 'issues' going on that were really out of my expectation.

Give you an example: It was a hot issue in Malaysia where the government was still debating whether the science and math subjects should be taught in English or Bahasa.

The responses from the forum surprised me which majority votted for using Bahasa rather than English and worse they commented that using English would demeaning the status of Bahasa Melayu in Malaysia. As Malaysian they should uphold the Bahasa in all kind of effort.

What amused Ann and I that one of the news clip from TV showing them having their 'protest' for the matter and then an interview took place with one gentleman. Guess what language they used during the interview - ENGLISH!! Oh my, and they were fighting to uphold the Bahasa !!!

I really do not know how to response and start questioning whether it is a right decision to be one of the group members....


Sigrun said...

Yes, we are also often shocked by what 'our own kind' (can I laugh now!) comes up with. We seem to remain foreign aliens in this wordly world. It is important that we not feel displaced, though.

For our earthly life is a blessing.

Unknown said...

I would avoid a group that is hanging on to living as per it would at home as opposed to embracing the opportunity to feel a new culture