Time will not wait for you for sure. It was last Sept or so we have arranged for my parents to come over. They were here with us almost a month and now they have boarded on flight on their way back to home.
This month of June was an eventful month and it was meaningful for the family. It definitely is not making any sense that the Apple family flying back to Malaysia, except I am extremely missing the homeland food besides the family back home. We were grateful the my mum and dad were willing to sit in 13 hours flight to this cold and wet land. Ya, they already told me there won't be second time for them, who knows being parents to me and grand parents to the kids, they may change their mind and come again.
Where was I talking about time. Yes, spending time with dad and mum made us realising we have been here in this Bristol land for about 2 years already. The kids already said they do not want to go back to Malaysia. Can't blame them as they already made so many friends here in the schools and also in church. I think one main reason for Dino1 that he knows the difference of having tonnes of homework and none. I also reflect back from the first time we started to living in this community. Hate to say this many times, we are generally living in a 'white' area. The kids are the only Chinese in their schools (not classes, mind you), and we are the only Chinese in the church. I am amazed how could we survive so far as aliens to the country. With God's grace and mercy, we started to 'be' in the community. Dear has almost got to know most people in the neighbourhood. Kids are generally doing well in schools and the staff generally know them without having to mention their name when we are in the school. We are generally active in church and I started to lead worship for the service, so the church started to know there is this Chinese worship leader besides the pastor :) I am glad I have come with the right attitude. My first day with the church contact, someone told me coming to UK as a Christian not necessary to be served, but to serve. Yes, this is still what I have in mind. We are grateful that God revives us again after a period of uncertainty back home.
Well, time passed and all the three kids are heading to their different stages of their schooling, more for dino1 where he is now having to travel by bus to his new secondary school. And my little girl who will be going to an infant school - reception year. As for me, I am already at my second year, hopefully finishing it in a year time. Also starting to hunt for a job in this land.
Time really gets into us, where I start to see more grey hairs and lines. I started to feel cold easily during the wet weather. Dear says she will pant when she walks up the steep street.
Yes, time won't wait for us. We must live to the fullness, not only for us, also for God' sake. It is where we testify his faithfulness and love in our lives and He truly is in Apple family.
Out of no where, I suddenly remember Cindy Lauper's pop song - Time after time :)