I can't believe I have 'survived' here for half year - that is really a 'WoW' to me !!!
I just want to pen down what I like and dislike about life in Bristol, and look back and smile - may be some perspectives would change after another 6 months.
1. I love Autumn and Spring - where the temperature is pleasant and I can flaunt the 'fashion' bit of me in the street, office etc :-)
2. I hate winter and summer - where my bills is high and I need to wrap myself layers upon layers - like a dumpling to me !! By the time of writing this, snow just hit Venice and Barcelona - can you imagine this??
3. I love taking short disctace walk - sending off or picking up the kids from school is nice as long as it does not rain.
4. I hate the bus timing on Saturday and Sunday where it is not so frequent yet it is the time I can go to centre for gym and shopping.
5. I like the library here especially for the kids to have lots of good books.
6. I hate the sale season here which is so tempting when it comes to McQueen, V.Westwood, P. Smith, T. Baker and many more which you can't get that kind of offer in KL.
7. I like Sommerfields, ASDA, ALDI and Sainsbury this time compared to Tesco which I liked 10 years ago - perhaps food prices do play a part :-)
8. I like my church - sober and steady - not too 'over' for everything.
9. I hate individualism here - people tend not to interfere your life when you in fact need a bit of that.
10. I like the fact I still have many things to experience and share in this duration of my stay in Bristol.
I like to see God is walking with us in this journey.