Friday 29 April 2011

Dress for Royal Wedding

Actually street party near our place ?? :-)

Sunday 24 April 2011

Blessed Easter 2011

This year, Erin and I got involved in the celebration, I read and sang and she danced :-)
Pastor gave her an Easter Egg for reward.
This girl made me proud :-)

Friday 22 April 2011

Good Friday Service at Trooper Hill: Bristol 2011

This year we followed the procession of witness held every year in St George.
Eden said he was tired walking and following the procession, I told him to imagine Christ who carried the cross walking up the hill who was even tired and suffered.
We had our Ecumenical service at the trooper hill. There was a reading of Passion of Christ and hymns singing.
We thanked God for lovely weather and most of all His obedient to the cross.
It was a meaningful service for us, a service at the hill in a open field, reliving Christ preaching to the multitudes.
Oh yes, we have not missed the cream tea and hot cross bun :-)

Sunday 17 April 2011

Desperate for Sun (or The only Son) !

This is what you will see here when the temperature starts to have 2 digits :-)
We have a good Easter week this year which recorded 20+ C.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Ilfracombe: Devon 2011

A good family time

Food that you can't miss!!

Tell me, dear and I were debating whether the cream should be spread first then the jam - to make a true devon cream tea. Do you know?

This is a fishing village, so the fish and chips were superb!!!

God's beautiful creation: Devon

Dinos' activities at Devon

Apple Papa

It was a goo break for me as well !!

Apple Mama

Dear liked this break a lot!!


This boy is growing too quick !


Erin enjoys swimming most !!!


We noticed how good he can pose for photos nowadays :-)