Sunday 27 March 2011

Spot the difference!!!

Still can't see it!!! See the post before this!!

Saturday 26 March 2011

Nice day !!

Good day hanging out with my 2 little girls !!

Who is this 'Birthday' Girl?

Friday 25 March 2011

£74,360,207 and still counting

I always admire the good nature of human being !! Despite how hard life is, people still able to show love..

It is a roller coaster feeling to watch the fundraising programme - at one part they show you how awful and hard life one faces that makes your heart aching, yet right away they offer you some laugh !!!
I told dear this is really emotional draining programme.
But then it is all about being able to help a lending hands, so we did our smaller part this time, contributed to their figure this year :-)

What a sunny day!!!!

Monday 21 March 2011

Today Special Person

It is good to see how Eden's school mates see him and we are glad he has so many positive things in him.
Well done, my dino - who is the most gentle and kind in sprit he is.

Saturday 19 March 2011


Soon she will be coming to infant school reception year one.

Flowers - sunshine - Yes Good weather!!!

Sunday 13 March 2011

Spring is here!! A windy day, sipping hot coffee and gazing the sunshine

At the same time, remembering how nature rules us !!!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Apples on a Bristol Tree

So many friends are thinking we are landing on a good soil over here..
Things has changed in this land compared to many years ago
Many questions are starting to be relevant to ask now and it is hard to decide
Sometimes I start to doubt whether I made a right choice
I am not too sure but I turn to what blessings we got so far in this land..

1. The children are generally happier here, they have made friends and the enjoy the lifestyle here.
2. Literacy wise there is vast improvement in them, which i hope they make good use of such language skills in future.
3. We are very welcomed to the church community, to be able to taste God's love and grace again and again.
4. I have been given a superb director of study and support needed, which enables me to progress so well.
5. God has been faithful and he provides our needs
6. We have many people passing by in our lives here and they leave a footprint somewhere
7. Able to see things differently is another thing, able to experience it is quite a challenge as well as a blessing.
They are numbered here but God's blessing is NOT outnumber!!

I trust God will lead the way, in due course in His time..

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord..