Sunday 31 October 2010

Thursday 28 October 2010

Monday 18 October 2010

October Boys..

27 years apart but they both
don't like surprises... they rather get something that they like rather than a shock ( the shock normally is from me of course )
like tea with sugar and milk
love sitting in front of computer but only one complain of backache
normally read a bit before going to bed
loves to eat Walker.
want to have long hair but so far only one succeeded.
are very decisive and know what they like and want.
very irrational when come to Apple and Club Penguin stuff.

Happy Birthday Boys...

Sunday 17 October 2010

Hello from Tews - Autumn 2010

Keeping the colours

Looking at these beauty at home makes me smile especially in the cold days...

John Wesley Chapel in Bristol

Happened to pop in this chapel where John Wesley stayed in Bristol. It was just in the heart of the shopping high street, we wouldn't notice if not the statue attracted us.

How to look good naked with Gok - Bristol

A fashionista that we used to watch on telly and he came to Bristol

Wednesday 13 October 2010

10 things about me

Just a few thoughts of myself here in Bristol land stepping close to 40s:

1. I am definitely more a critical thinker as I research on this area.

2. On that note, dear says I am definitely not a critical thinker when comes to Apple new products and good sales!! OK she has validated one of my research questions.

3. I am also sort a writer now, writing story for my paper.

4. I wake up and sleep early to have a healthy lifestyle.

5. My daily activities:
5.45am - Breakfast
6.25 - 7.25am - Gym (except Sunday)
9am - 3pm - Campus
3pm -3.30 Pick up Erin and Eden
4pm - 5.30pm Cook Dinner
6pm - Dinner
7.30pm - Family bible study and Prayer time
8pm - Kids to bed
8.30-10 Dating time with dear.
10pm - Good night

6. I started to enjoy cooking, I cook dinner 3 days a week. Now toying to do baking :-)

7. I eat veg more, meat less - try to be lean. I will faint if I carry 'tyres' around.

8. I read a lot for my paper, but also some leisure readinge in the bus and before bed time.

9. I follow some of the latest TV programmes here: Glee, Vampire's diary, Ugly Betty and Desperate Housewife :-)

10. But most of the time I watch cooking programme especially Jamie Oliver's and River Cottage. I dislike Gordon Ramsay's.

Blimey, Dear says I have more wrinkles at my eyes tails. Oh, darn !! What's the point I put so much day and night cream to take care of myself. I think I shall switch to Loreal Man, because I am worth it !! Haha
(Ranting here may be mid life crisis happens early to me)