Tuesday 27 July 2010

Come Dine With Me

Been watching this series of TV show here where there are hosts and hostesses taking turns to invite their new friends to dine with them for their cooking, then the guests will give marks for the whole dining experiences, the winner will get £1000 at the end.
Inspired so, I have been cooking for home.
How many marks do you reckon I will get for the presentation wise :-)
Dear says I have improved so much in cooking - nearly Eden's godpa level
(haha, that is just her scheme to make sure I continue to cook !!)

Friday 23 July 2010

Rain O Rain

The weather starts to mellow down and it is quite a delight for me really - can't stand the summer heat here.
So a little bit of rain does no harm :-)

I can't believe !!

It is not Spring cleaning, I am busying packing stuff for new move.
I can't believe I have more clothes than Ann, OMG !!