Sunday 27 June 2010

Warm day

These 2 weeks were and continue to be warm, dear has to take a breathe outside the house.
Adam noticed the sun rests at 10-ish nowadays. How good it is if we were on holidays that have daylight for so long :-)

Tuesday 22 June 2010


The kids were equally excited like daddy when they see this ad !!!

Football Fever

The kids enjoying themselves as our church took the chance to reach out to the people in the community by holding this Street Party.

Dumpling Festival

Proud of myself :) Made it without bamboo leave and still the kids love it...

Museum of Great Western Railway.

While Eden is tasting Italian Food in school today (which he only like Gelato) Adam went for a field trip to the Great Western Railway Museum.

I suddenly see WK's side of him today. He was in front of the mirror the whole morning making sure that he look good in his 1940s attire.

Truly it is like father like son :)


Today my little buddy can be multitasking and doing more:-)
Thanks to iOS4 :-)

Monday 21 June 2010

Top Gear

We have a TV show called Top Gear, so this cake takes its name.
I just get excited when it is offered at £2, who cares what show is it :-P

Sunday 13 June 2010

Thank You for the music

Currently on my iPhone and my desktop - saving ££ for free good albums and songs

Summer is coming

Well, I guess spring is soon over and summer (June 21) is just near the corner.
Start to see more sunny spell and God's awesome creation!!

Saturday 12 June 2010

Another Conference - Loughborough

This time by train.

Friday 11 June 2010

World Cup Opening + Makan

Well, everyone has been working hard, so it s time to relax.
An international gathering happened, where there are Malaysian, Nigerian, Netherland-er and Italian. Surprisingly we have no Briton to join us.
So, be merry and feast on one another's cooking - I brought Tarco with beef :_)

It's Dear in-charge :-)

In response to Sig's post :-)
Do you know I will get scolded if I do not put the clothes according to the labels???

Sunday 6 June 2010

School Break (June 2010)

Surprised that Adam know who Churchill is and also a recent fan of Harry Potter (peer influence), he also asked to see Van Gogh painting in the British Gallery !!!
I do hope the kids will appreciate the wealth of history and art here.

Our Break before Kids go back to school tomorrow.

Saturday 5 June 2010

Britain's Got Talent 2010

The family has been following this talent show. It gets more interesting this week as we stick on the couch watching the semi final from Monday.
Tonight is the night we will see another talent emerge from the British Isle.
Our guesses:Spellbound, Connected and Janey Cutler

Thursday 3 June 2010

Tropical princess

Enjoying local fruits here but also miss the tropical fruits....

Steam Fish

Our very first Steam Fish....

Term 5

Eden had lots of fun this term. This term's topic revolved around medieval age. There was a dragon egg treasure hunt and the children then waited weeks for it to hatch. They had a trip to Cardiff castle and it ended with a royal banquet. Kids came dressed as princess, prince, queen, king, knights, jester and slave (not a popular choice though). He also made a paper mache percussion ball. Mrs Hawkins gave a very good comment on his development in class. He is more sociable and enjoy writing and drawing. His best friend Louie think he will grow up to be an artist impressed by his knight and castle drawing :)

Adam's highlights - 2 days class party in a row at the field during the last week and the the school's treat to bowling Centre.