Sunday 21 March 2010

Yummy Suu..... Sushi

A change of taste bud.
We are not sushi lovers really.... but these futomaki just taste so delicious even when its supermarket pre-packed.

Eden eat sushi for the first time and he just love those with tuna filling.

Erin keeps calling it "ShiShi" which means wee wee in cantonese. She has this funny expression. Probably cannot comprehend why food and non food share the same name. LOL

My Big Girl

Erin wants her milk in our mug now. She is now recycling her old milk bottle & beaker to feed her baby Lindy.

Book Week

Last week was for dedicated to Book Week for Eden's school focusing on Fairy Tales.

The whole week were filled with exciting activities. There was a bedtime story session for the kids where they were invited back to school in the evening in pyjamas and pillow and of course with one of their favourite soft toy (Eden went with Pooh Bear and his transformer Pjs).

They were also visited by some authors and a puppet show team came to tell them more stories. Eden finds the story of Fisherman and his wife funny and interesting.

They were asked to draw a new character and name it. Eden name his Danny and his red monkey :)

On friday, its dress up day. Eden met Snow White, Peter Pan, a dragon, elves, his fellow pirate mates and so many more .... and he even spotted a Gingerbread man....

Monday 15 March 2010

Fashionista - Erin

Little angel wants to mimic mummy - legging and booths - must have for Spring :0)

Oooo Double digits :-)

The weather starts showing double digits - I talk like Bristorians now, like Britons obsessed with weather.

Kids were extremely happy that they can go park again. Met their fellow class mate Toby (Adam's) and Andre (Eden's) and have fun playing football.

However, today I want to sing : la la la la la :o)

The hills are alive with the sound of music
With songs they have sung for a thousand years
The hills fill my heart with the sound of music
My heart wants to sing every song it hears

My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds
that rise from the lake to the trees
My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies
from a church on a breeze
To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over
stones on its way
To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray

I go to the hills when my heart is lonely
I know I will hear what I've heard before
My heart will be blessed with the sound of music
And I'll sing once more

Haha don't vomit hey :oP

Mothering Sunday 14 March

It was Mothering Sunday yesterday when UK is celebrating Mother Day - Malaysia will have it the second week of May (wonder why there is such difference !)

Boys from Kid Church made 2 lovely card and cakes for Ann. And (Poor mother) Ann happily cooked a simple yet delicious burger for the family :-)

Friday 12 March 2010

WoW, 6 months living in Bristol

I can't believe I have 'survived' here for half year - that is really a 'WoW' to me !!!

I just want to pen down what I like and dislike about life in Bristol, and look back and smile - may be some perspectives would change after another 6 months.

1. I love Autumn and Spring - where the temperature is pleasant and I can flaunt the 'fashion' bit of me in the street, office etc :-)

2. I hate winter and summer - where my bills is high and I need to wrap myself layers upon layers - like a dumpling to me !! By the time of writing this, snow just hit Venice and Barcelona - can you imagine this??

3. I love taking short disctace walk - sending off or picking up the kids from school is nice as long as it does not rain.

4. I hate the bus timing on Saturday and Sunday where it is not so frequent yet it is the time I can go to centre for gym and shopping.

5. I like the library here especially for the kids to have lots of good books.

6. I hate the sale season here which is so tempting when it comes to McQueen, V.Westwood, P. Smith, T. Baker and many more which you can't get that kind of offer in KL.

7. I like Sommerfields, ASDA, ALDI and Sainsbury this time compared to Tesco which I liked 10 years ago - perhaps food prices do play a part :-)

8. I like my church - sober and steady - not too 'over' for everything.

9. I hate individualism here - people tend not to interfere your life when you in fact need a bit of that.

10. I like the fact I still have many things to experience and share in this duration of my stay in Bristol.

I like to see God is walking with us in this journey.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

I think I might go bald !!!!Ahhhhhh Help me !!

I started a very interesting class today.
The first session, my 'facilitator' - Dr R.W. already threw some 'interesting' questions to us:
1. What is 'reality'?
2. What is 'truth', how do you prove it?
3. What is theory??
4. Is there a common sense?

Yes, this is the philosophical issue of research module that I need to get 30 credits for my study. I started to worry about my grey hairs that already keep increasing :-P

I do not fancy the thinking man -thinking mindset in the photo above, rather more fancy about the muscle he had - just noticed that. haha :-P

Yes, I should be fit for both my brain and body !!! Objective for year 2010, indeed.

Before and After - £0 hair cut

Papa Tew wanted to have his hair kept long too like his family members, but can't stand the irritating sideburns that kept irritating his ears.. so he searched the net for hairdresser that offer student discount - end up he paid nothing !! The hairdresser wants a model - nicely put, in fact it is a guinea pig - so why not, I save up almost about £15 for just a dry cut here.

Why do you think the before-after effect :-)

Tews - Fancy a hair cut?

It has been months we have not seen hairdresser - the kids all want to have their hair kept long and the parents granted. So let's see what they will turn out a few month later.